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Sharing on Polywork

How podcasters share on Polywork

Starting a podcast is no small undertaking, but it can be an incredibly effective way to communicate with your audience. With nearly no time constraints and the flexibility to introduce both your personality and your knowledge in a given field, it fills in the gaps of storytelling and brand-building that the written word or social media can’t quite reach.  

Even in such critical fields as medicine, more people than ever are turning to podcasts to relay information. For instance, Dr. Dipesh P. Gopal, a general practitioner and researcher, often prescribes podcasts to his patients in addition to paper pamphlets in order to help them learn more about their health and wellbeing. “I have found that not all patients enjoy reading, especially when there are so many different media sources available on the internet and elsewhere,” he wrote in a 2019 essay for the British Journal of General Practice. “The passivity of listening [to podcasts] means that they can occupy time during mundane tasks such as household chores and the commute to work.”

And people are listening. There are currently around 465 million podcast listeners in the world, and it’s been forecasted that the global podcasting market will exceed $233.9 billion by 2032.

4 ways to boost your podcast on Polywork

Whether you’re spreading the gospel of global health, open-source coding, music, movies, relationships, or anything else under the sun, Polywork is a great resource to leverage your podcast, build up your base, and connect with like-minded collaborators.

Get the (podcast launch) news out

So you’ve recorded, edited, and released your first episode. Now what? Polywork is a perfect place to let people know that it’s finally here. Take Dean Yeong for instance, an SEO blog manager and writer who’s been dreaming about starting a podcast since 2017. In 2022, he finally dropped his first episode, and announced the launch on Polywork, along with a mission statement, examples of what’s to come, and his contact information for anyone interested in jumping on board.

Above: Dean's Polywork page

Keep your potential podcast community up to date

When organized properly, a Polywork profile can act as a library of the podcasts you’ve released. With more than 100 episodes of his podcast, You Could Be My Aramis, for example, the musician and recording artist Mike Bankhead uses his Polywork profile to keep track of and promote each new installment. Scrolling down his page presents his entire catalog in reverse chronological order, highlighting his guests and topics, which range from music to poetry to tech startups to baseball.

Grow your podcast network—and your scope

Schalk Neethling is a front-end engineer whose prolific Mycelium Network podcast has created a community of web developers and their mentors and teachers. He uses Polywork and its deep trove of developing pros as a way to disseminate his call for new guests. When Schalk decided to start a second podcast, this one dedicated to open-source, civic, and ethical tech, Polywork was his first resource. “After the amazing response I received the last time, I decided to first reach out to the community here,” he wrote in his post. “I look forward to hearing from you all and having a conversation.”

Shout out your podcast collaborators

In her podcast, The Soul’s Conquest, Madhurima Sappatti interviews life coaches, entrepreneurs, and other creatives about how to manage stress and increase positivity. While she uses her Polywork page to share her episodes and reach out to potential new collaborators, she also leverages her profile to encourage listeners to check out the pages of her various guests. By organizing a highlights page dedicated to guests on her podcast, Madhurima directs traffic to their profiles, building up not only her brand, but the brand of like-minded entrepreneurs as well.

Above: Madhurima's Polywork page

Take note: Polywork—and podcasts—don’t work in a vacuum

Podcasts rely heavily on teamwork: between co-hosts, guests, listeners, and supporters. Polywork is here for that launch announcement, keeping listeners up-to-date on new episodes and ideas, and connecting with new and old collaborators.